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Quarter I (Core)

CS-101: Object-Oriented Programming using TypeScript

Duration : 13 Weeks

Course Description:

We will start the program by learning the fundamentals of Object-Oriented programming using JavaScript and TypeScript. We will also understand the latest Web trends i.e. Web 3.0 and Metaverse concepts and try to understand their working from the perspective of the users.

Couse Outline:

1. HTML & CSS (Homework)

Learn HTML by Hira Khan

(Watch Recorded Videos)

Learn CSS Intro by Hira Khan

(Watch Recorded Videos)

2. Web 3.0 and Metaverse Theory

Introduction to Panaverse DAO

(Download Slide)

Web 3.0 User Guide

(Download Slide)

Complete Web 3 Assignments included in the Web 3 User Guide

Virtual and Augmented Metaverse User Guide

(Download Slide)

3. Fundamentals of JavaScript

Learn JavaScript by Zeeshan Hanif

(Watch Recorded Video)

Chapters 2-6, 13 of JavaScript from Beginner to Professional: Learn JavaScript quickly by building fun, interactive, and dynamic web apps, games, and pages

(Get Book)

JavaScript Book Code


Getting Started Exercises with JavaScript and Node.js


Fundamentals of JavaScript and Node.js Quiz

Topics Covered in the Quiz:

A. Background of JavaScript and How to use JavaScript in Browser

B. Variables, Primitive data types Analyzing and modifying data types, and Operators (Chapter 2 of JavaScript from Beginner to Professional)

C. Intro to Node.js, .mjs files, Modules, NPM, import, export, and using external modules with npm:


D. How to accept user input in your Node.js JavaScript programs, this will allow us to create interactive Node.js console programs using prompt-sync library. The last example in this presentation shows you how to use prompt-sync library in your Node.js programs:


Note: After this point, we will do all our class work and exercises using Node.js in .mjs files. We will also be able to develop interactive Node.js console programs which will greatly help the students to learn.

E. Using Arrays and Objects in Node.js Programs (chapter 3 of JavaScript from Beginner to Professional)

F. Using if and if else statements, else if statements, Conditional ternary operators, and switch statements in Node.js programs (chapter 4 of JavaScript from Beginner to Professional)

G. Using while loop, do while loop, for loop, for in, and for of loop in Node.js (chapter 5 of JavaScript from Beginner to Professional)

H. Using Basic functions, Function arguments, Return, Variable scope in functions, Recursive functions, Nested functions, Anonymous functions, and Function callbacks in Node.js (chapter 6 of JavaScript from Beginner to Professional)

I. Using Concurrency, Callbacks, Promises, async / await, and Event loop (chapter 13 of JavaScript from Beginner to Professional)

J. JavaScript promises, mastering the asynchronous


K. New JavaScript Features in ECMAScript 2022 and 2021


4. Object-Oriented Programming with TypeScript

Chapters 1-11 of Learning TypeScript: Enhance Your Web Development Skills Using Type-Safe JavaScript

(Watch Recorded Video)

Learning Repository


In Class Companion projects and articles for Learning TypeScript


Homework Projects


5. TypeScript for React

Minimal TypeScript Crash Course For React With Interactive Code Exercises

(Watch Recorded Video)

About Us

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The Future of the Web is Web 3.0, Metaverse, and Edge Computing. Panaverse DAO is a movement to spread these technologies globally.It is Community of Web 3 and metaverse developers.designers , trainers , startup founders and service providers.

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Made by Ahmed Ali Ansari PIAIC171908