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Courses Detail

Course Curriculum

The first three quarters are shared by all specialties and are dedicated to studying Object-Oriented Programming and cutting-edge Full-Stack Web 2.0 development. It is going to be a fifteen-month-long hybrid program that includes both onsite and online classes and is divided into five quarters of 13 weeks each

Core Courses (Common in All Specializations):

Every participant of the program will start by completing the following three core courses

Quarter I


CS-101: Object-Oriented Programming using TypeScript and Typescript for React

Quarter II


W2-201: Developing Planet-Scale Web 2.0 Serverless Cloud Cloud Apps and APIs using Next.js 13 and Cloud Development Kit (CDK) for Terraform

Quarter III


$-101: Dollar Making Bootcamp - Full-Stack Template and API Product Development

Specialized Tracks

After completing the first three quarters the participants will select one or more specializations consisting of two courses each:

I. Web 3.0 (Blockchain) and Metaverse Specialization

This Web 3.0 and Metaverse specialization focuses on developing full-stack Web 3.0 and Metaverse experiences for the next generation of the internet by specializing in building worlds that merge the best of cutting-edge decentralized distributed blockchains with 3D metaverse client experiences

Quarter IV


W3-351: Developing Smart Contracts and Planet-Scale Web 3.0 Dapps

Quarter V


MV-361: Developing Planet-Scale Open Virtual and Augmented Metaverse Experiences

II. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning Specialization

The AI and Deep Learning specialization focuses on building and deploying intelligent APIs using OpenAI models and building custom Deep Learning Tensorflow models

Quarter IV


AI-351: Developing Planet-Scale Intelligent APIs and Python Programming

Quarter V


AI-361: Deep Learning and MLOps

III. Cloud-Native Computing Specialization

The Cloud-Native Computing Specialization focuses on Containers, Kubernetes, and CDK for Kubernetes.

Quarter IV


CN-351: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)

Quarter V


CN-361: Developing Multi-Cloud APIs using CDK for Terraform

IV. Ambient Computing and IoT Specialization

The Ambient Computing and IoT Specialization focuses on building Smart Homes, Offices,Factories, and Cities using Voice computing, Matter Protocol, and Embedded Devices

Quarter IV


AC-351: Ambient Computing with Voice Assistants and Matter Protocol Devices

Quarter V


AC-361: Embedded Programming using C and Rust

V. Genomics and Bioinformatics Specialization

Genomics is the study of the total genetic makeup of individual organisms, and how this information is structured, functions, and has evolved; bioinformatics encompasses adiverse range of analytical methods and tools applied to genomic data. This Specialization focuses on performing complex bioinformatics analysis using the most essential Python libraries and applications.

Quarter IV


Bio-351: Python for Biologists

Quarter V


Bio-361: Bioinformatics with Python

VI. Network Programmability and Automation Specialization

More than ever, network engineers are finding it challenging to complete their dutiesentirely manually. Network automation is now crucial due to new protocols, technologies, delivery models, and the requirement for enterprises to become more adaptable and agile. This course teaches network engineers how to automate systems with code using a variety of technologies and tools, including Linux, Python, APIs, and Git.

Quarter IV


NPA-351: CCNA 200-301 Certification

Quarter V


NPA-361: Network Programmability and Automation

About Us

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The Future of the Web is Web 3.0, Metaverse, and Edge Computing. Panaverse DAO is a movement to spread these technologies globally.It is Community of Web 3 and metaverse developers.designers , trainers , startup founders and service providers.

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