Duration : 13 Weeks
The objective of this course is to teach participants to develop customer-facing planet-scale Websites, Full-Stack Apps and templates, Dashboards, and Muti-Cloud Serverless APIs. By the end of the quarter, the participants will be able to develop and deploy web platforms like Facebook, Shopify, etc. The technologies covered in this course will include Next.js 13, Figma, Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI, tRPC, QraphQL, Prisma, Cockroachdb Serverless (PostgreSQL Compatible), AWS Serverless Technologies, and Cloud Development Kit for Terraform (CDKTF).
Next 13 Official Documentation
CSS Flexbox Explained – Complete Guide to Flexible Containers and Flex Items
Designing and Prototyping Interfaces with Figma: Learn essential UX/UI design principles by creating interactive prototypes for mobile, tablet, and desktop by Fabio Staiano
Modern CSS with Tailwind, Second Edition by Noel Rappin
Note: For AWS Free Tier you will need a credit or debit card. The easiest way for Pakistani students is to open a bank account with Meezan Bank. Open a Meezan Aasan Account if you have no earning proof. Meezan Bank will charge Rs. 1100 for ATM Debit Card and there is a requirement of Rs. 100 minimum deposit. The card will be delivered in a few weeks. Our students have reported that this Debit card works with AWS. Now you can create a virtual VISA Debit card through the NayaPay app
which can be used to create AWS/GCP/Azure accounts. This is good news for those students who find it difficult to create physical debit and credit cards from banks.
Learn Multicloud Serverless API Development using CDK Terraform in Baby Steps
The Future of the Web is Web 3.0, Metaverse, and Edge Computing. Panaverse DAO is a movement to spread these technologies globally.It is Community of Web 3 and metaverse developers.designers , trainers , startup founders and service providers.
Made by Ahmed Ali Ansari PIAIC171908